Monday, July 2, 2007

Field Trip

Strawberry season!

Heading to the berry patch.

Found a ripe one!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007


Hey look! It's just as sunny and warm here as it is in California!

OK... the sunny part is true.

Home again!

Day 14

We had an uneventful travel day home. Glad to be off the planes again. To quote Matthew "I've had enough of this airplane business".

Early Morning at LAX

Passing the hours by

Monday, January 1, 2007

Day 13

Happy New Year! We took this photo of the Loudon siblings and their families this morning. Mark, Ann, and Ethan flew back to Dallas this afternoon. We will have a long travel day tomorrow home to Elmira. Sad to leave California... have had such a nice time here. The weather has been so wonderful and it's been so nice to be with family and have a change of routine. We are very thankful to the Yarrall's for welcoming us so warmly and making us feel so comfortable in their home! Jon too has been so great with our kids and fun to get to know. Bill and Angela have taken us all over the place and worked hard to make our stay so great. Thanks, everyone!

Loudon Family

Dick, Nancye & Jon Yarrall

Day 12

Today we had a lower key day. After church we went to In 'N' Out, Bill's favourite hamburger place. We hung out in the afternoon and then celebrated Ann's 33rd birthday together. Most of us stayed up to bring in the New Year together.

Ethan helps Ann blow out the birthday candles

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Day 11

Today was a full, fun-filled day. Bill and Angela gave us a great big tour of the coastline. We started at Hermosa Beach, where the kids donned swimsuits and chased the waves. The water was cold but they loved it! They spent a long time digging in the sand, burying themselves in the sand, all the typical summer-time activities...on the 30th of Dec! Of the locals, only the die-hard surfers were brave enough to go in the water. We then went took a drive high above the Pacific where we enjoyed spectacular views of the ocean. At Vicente Point there is a visitor's center where we stopped to look for whales who are migrating at this time of year. We were excited to spot some far out in the water! We were only able to see the spouts and the fins due to the distance, but it was amazing none the less. What a treat to enjoy God's beautiful creation.
We then continued on to another part above the ocean, this one in Los Angeles, to see the huge Korean Friendship bell given to the U.S. by Korea on the Americans' Bicentennial celebration in 1976. All along the way, we drove right along the coastline. We finally ended up high above the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, which is a huge area, one of the busiest ports in the U.S., with lots and lots of ships. Home after that, tired and ready for bed.

Racing the waves

Sand and waves

Lighthouse overlooking the Pacific

The group in by the Korean Friendship Bell

Ron's artsy shot of the day

Friday, December 29, 2006

Day 10

Today was a more low-key day. (Recovering from Disney!!) We did go out for lunch with the whole gang, including the Yarrall's (who lived in Colombia for several years) to a Colombian restaurant where we enjoyed the smells, sounds, and tastes of our past. After that Bill and Angela took us to Biola University/Talbot Seminary where they both work and study. It is a really nice peaceful setting. We enjoyed getting to see where they spend so much of their time!

Enjoying a "Bandeja Paisa" with fresh Lulo (Naranjilla) and Maracuya juice!!

Biola/Talbot Tour